Patients discharging to congregate living settings, inpatient rehabilitation, and mental health units:

  • To support safe and smooth discharges to congregate living facilities (skilled nursing facilities, long term care, assisted living, group homes, hospice houses), inpatient rehab and mental health units, Allina Health is recommending COVID-19 testing be completed for asymptomatic patients within 7 days of transfer to one of these facilities.
  •  Order COVID-19 testing early (2-4 days prior to potential discharge when able) for patients potentially discharging to one of these sites. These tests will be sent to outside labs to be run and should not be done through in-house lab unless absolutely necessary due to hospital capacity constraints.

COVID-19 Provider Update

Dr. Tim Sielaff, Dr. Ryan Else and Dr. Monte Johnson

emailed 5/20/2020