Midwest Plastic Surgery partnership

Good Morning,
Abbott Northwestern Hospital is pleased to announce we have partnered with Midwest Plastic Surgery to help us better care for patients with wounds requiring reconstruction.
What does this mean?  General Surgery, the Wound clinic, or Vascular Surgery will continue to be the initial contact for patients with wounds and will handle debridement.  Once a patient has a clean wound requiring surgical reconstruction, Dr. Ruebeck, Dr. Schaeffer, or Dr. Luong can provide inpatient consultation at ANW or outpatient consultation in their offices.

To refer a patient requiring reconstruction:  Page 612-654-1631 or use the ANW Paging System, the link is under Surgery, Plastic, Wound Weekdays 7-3 PM.
If you have questions or comments please contact Paul Hinz at paul.hinz@allina.com
Thank You,
Paul Hinz (emailed 1/30/2018)